personal injury lawyer

If you need to be assisted by a lawyer specializing in compensation for bodily injury, you can contact the Association in order to benefit from the AAV Association’s network of professionals.

Association charters have been signed by various professionals in order to clarify the conditions of their intervention: intervention throughout France, advance fees, etc.

Personal injury lawyer

See more in detail:  Assistance with compensation – Support by AAV professionals

Another solution is to make your own choice of personal injury lawyer. In this case, do not trust the rumors and the good reputation of the lawyer. It’s not sufficient !

Prefer an interview with the lawyer in order to ask him the necessary questions in order to get an idea of ​​his skills.

In addition, it is essential that you have a clear vision of the procedure you are going to go through.

Does he already manage a large number of bodily injury cases?

What steps does he intend to take?

How is it organized to assign bodily injury experts?

Does he know any medical advisers for victims with whom he is used to working?

Is it the lawyer specializing in personal injury who will personally handle your file or one of his collaborators?

Teamwork between the victim, the lawyer and the personal injury experts is essential:

Everyone has their own skills and no one is in your place. Only you can determine what harm you suffer on a daily basis..

Teamwork therefore promotes the sharing of information:

from the victim to the lawyer and the personal injury experts so that they can get an idea of ​​your personal injury,

experts to the lawyer and the victim in order to enlighten them on the content of an expert report,

from the lawyer to the victim so that the latter is able to make the best decisions as the procedure progresses with full knowledge of the facts.

Personal injury lawyer: When and how?

Following an accident that has caused bodily injury, victims often have the reflex to hire a lawyer. Those around you often support this idea.

This reaction is specific to bodily injury. Indeed, following a fire in his home, a victim would surely not call on a lawyer to quantify the damage to the building.

However, in compensation for bodily injury, we are in a similar situation.

In principle, as long as a compensation procedure is within an amicable framework, it is rather a compensation expert and a medical adviser who should be called in and not a lawyer.

Following this logic, the lawyer chosen for his defense must be an expert in personal injury. He will therefore be in the role of an expert as long as the procedure is not a dispute.

Intervention of the personal injury lawyer

The intervention of a personal injury lawyer is generally not urgent following an accident because compensation will only take place when the victim’s state of health has been consolidated.

It is therefore wiser for the victim to wait until they have some notions of bodily injury compensation before choosing their lawyer in order to ensure that the lawyer really specializes in bodily injury compensation.

This will make it possible to be sure that the intervention of the lawyer will be useful and to accompany the victim in his compensation procedure for his bodily injury.

It can therefore be smart to be assisted by a personal injury lawyer, when you know why.

However, the intervention of the lawyer specializing in bodily injury is generally not sufficient to best manage the assessment of the bodily injury suffered.

The skills of the personal injury lawyer?

He therefore has an in-depth knowledge of the problems encountered by the victims of bodily accidents.

After having followed a theoretical training in compensation for bodily injury, he put into practice his know-how in the law of compensation for victims of bodily injury.

He therefore knows how to work in a team by surrounding himself with experts and specialists capable of enlightening him in his task: Medical advisor qualified in legal compensation for bodily injury, compensation experts, occupational therapist, etc.

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